Cafecito Break

Cafecito Break

Cafecito Break - Reflections - Being a Woman is Not an Invitation for Disrespect

October 21, 2013

NO NO NO It's not ok! This morning at 11am est time, during my show "Cafecito Break, Monday Mornings", we received a very crass and insulting call from a man . I am appalled by this man's behavior. I asked the caller if he had a question... He responded by making an insulting comment about my co host and saying to me "Rosangel, I gotta say that you are f*king sexy. grrrrr and I would love to put it in you."  We at Cafecito Break are saddened by this disrespect and violation. It is a vivid reminder that many men think it is okay to speak to women in this way. It is not ok. It is really not ok. I am not holding space for this any longer just because "this happens so much everyday to women that it has almost become a cultural norm!"  A pretty face is not an invitation for disrespect. Being a woman is not an invitation for disrespect. It doesn't make you a man to treat women this way. A real man knows how to treat, speak, and honor a woman. Thank you for your love and support.  A special thank you for those brothers who have communicated their concern.  We love you and ask for your prayers to be guided to speak on this with the right words. thank you.