Cafe Culture North East - The Podcast

Cafe Culture North East - The Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 11: Café Scientifiqué - Can we read the mind? Should we? - Gary Green
June 18, 2013

How far can we and should we go in reading the mind? Gary Green, York University, will discuss what is currently possible and debate associated ethics.

Episode 10: Café Politique - Barry Knight, Child poverty: Stereotypes, scapegoats, solutions
June 14, 2013

The right blames the poor; the left blames the government. Social scientist Barry Knight will argue that solving the problem requires a radical approach to child poverty

Episode 9: Café Culturel - A meeting place? A year as Baltic Professor - Christine Borland
May 21, 2013

Acclaimed international artist Christine Borland discusses her research which focuses on medical institutions, including her observations and participation in their practices.

Episode 8: Café Culture Scientifiqué - Cochlear implants: Scientific and ethic considerations - Jackie Leach Scully
April 17, 2013

Jackie Leach Scully, PEALS, Newcastle University, will address the scientific and ethical issues regarding the increasingly common use of cochlear implants.

Episode 7: Café Philosophique Part 2 - Pathologies of the postmodern - Professor Patricia Waugh
March 22, 2013

Professor Patricia Waugh , Durham University, will investigate the pathologies, mental and physical, epidemic and imagined, that have particular resonance in postmodern culture

Episode 6: Café Philosophique - Pathologies of the postmodern - Angela Wood
March 21, 2013

Angela Woods, Durham University, will investigate the pathologies, mental and physical, epidemic and imagined, that have particular resonance in postmodern culture

Episode 5: Café Scientifique - What we have learned, so far, from analysing the 2011 Census
March 06, 2013

Chris Stephens will explore with us what we have learned so far, at TWRI Policy and Research, from the 2011 Census

Episode 4: Africa's new populist politics
February 20, 2013

Miles Larmer, Sheffield University, will discuss whether Africa's new populists are the answer to decades of economic and political crises.

Episode 3: Do the Public Need to Understand Science?
February 08, 2013

Noel Jackson is Head of Education at the Centre for Life and asks - Is it important for the public to have a basic, moderate or even a deep understanding of scientific concepts? Does it matter if they don’t?

Episode 2: Max Weber and the Spiders from Inner Space
February 08, 2013

Playing fast and loose with Max Weber's famous observation that people are animals, suspended in webs of meaning they themselves have spun, John Given of invites us to track the 'narrative turn' taken by social sciences