CAE Catalyst – Defense & Security Podcast

Episode 4 - Industry Engagement in Training Transformation
Evolving environments and global threats are forcing defense and security organizations around the world to reconsider long-held beliefs about technical skills training.
In our previous CAE Catalyst podcasts, we’ve discussed the growing imperative for defense training organizations to make significant changes to their instructional approaches and tools. Today, we’ll explore some of the benefits strong military and industry partnerships offer in addressing these training challenges. Commercial training service providers bring a powerful arsenal of thought leadership and experience to address current challenges as well as future transformation requirements.
Training, Adaptive Learning, Modernization, Military modernization, digital innovation, defense, DoD, technology, innovation, simulation, instructional design, education, military, defense training, machine learning, artificial intelligence, synthetic environments, data analytics, biometrics
Regan Patrick, Chief Learning Officer, CAE Defense & Security
Matthew Sibree, Managing Director, Indo-Pacific, Defense & Security, CAE
Philippe Perey, Head of Technology, Defense & Security, CAE