CAE Catalyst – Defense & Security Podcast

Episode 2 - What’s Driving Training Transformation?
Evolving global threats and environments are forcing defense and security organizations around the world to reconsider long-held beliefs about technical skills training.
CAE explores some of the key drivers in defense training transformation – elements that contribute to the growing demands for more student output; graduates who are trained better, faster, and cheaper. Links are drawn between instructional design, education technology, and the desired learning objectives driving defense organizations to investigate innovative new ways of focusing on student needs, including the use of non-traditional approaches to technical skills training.
Host: Regan Patrick - Chief Learning Officer, CAE Defense & Security
Guests: Deborah Mackinnon - Manager D&S Courseware and Training Solutions
Terry Gaylord - Senior Manager, Instructional Systems Group
Podcast Tags: Training, Adaptive Learning, Modernization, Military modernization, digital innovation, defense, DoD, technology, innovation, simulation, instructional design, education, military, defense training