Cackles Corner

Cackles Corner

Latest Episodes

Cast All Your Burdens On the Lord [podcast #086]
August 16, 2018

Jesus goes ahead to prepare a place in heaven for us. God knows us each individually — our joys and our sorrows — and he is always with us. We can’t hide from God. The Lord wants us to know him very closely, too. Jesus invites us to come to him.

Are You Stressed and Burdened Like Martha? [podcast #085]
August 09, 2018

In the story of Martha in the gospel, she started off well — she invited Jesus into her home. But then she got distracted and burdened by all the things she felt she had to do. She started complaining and feeling sorry for herself,

God Has New Mercies and Blessings for You Today [podcast #084]
August 02, 2018

The rich young man asks Jesus, “What do I still lack?” That is a very good question we can all ask Jesus. Sometimes we reach a plateau in our spiritual lives; we are on cruise control. But God is always doing something new,

What We Can Learn from Mary Magdalene [podcast #083]
July 26, 2018

Why do we celebrate the feast of Mary Magdalene? After her deliverance and conversion, she followed Jesus with a pure and holy love, wholeheartedly — the way Jesus calls all of us to follow Him. While the rest of the disciples ran away from Jesus durin...

The Heart of the Good News [podcast #082]
July 19, 2018

If you only had a minute to share with someone the Good News, these are the points to make: We have all sinned. Our sin separates us from God. God did not want to leave us in our sin, so He sent His Son Jesus to die on the Cross for us,

Uncovering the Lies We Believe [podcast #081]
July 05, 2018

Fr. Nathan O’Halloran teaches how we each have a lie that the devil tailors to us individually. The enemy has been studying us since we were in the womb, and he has the perfect lie that we actually believe. “Of course that’s true,

How to Get Rid of Bitterness [podcast #080]
June 07, 2018

We reap what we sow. This is a law in nature. We understand this with plants, but the same is true in the spiritual life.We plant seeds every day. We can plant good seeds — generosity, kindness, patience; or we can plant bad seeds — gossip, anger,

Where Do You Put Your Trust? [podcast #079]
May 31, 2018

Blessed are those who trust in the Lord; the Lord will be their trust.  They are like a tree planted beside the waters that stretches out its roots to the stream: It does not fear heat when it comes, its leaves stay green; Jeremiah 17:7-8   Those who t...

Are We Being Kind to One Another? [podcast #078]
May 24, 2018

Jesus calls us to love one another. That is how the world will know that we are followers of Christ. One very important way to love one another is by doing small acts of kindness throughout the day. If we want to be true followers of Jesus,

How to Forgive Those Who Have Hurt Us [podcast #077]
May 17, 2018

In order to truly follow Jesus, it takes a firm decision. One of the commands He gives us is to forgive, and that can be very difficult to do. We will be forgiven as we forgive those who sin against us. The Steps to Forgive Someone: Decide – I need to ...
