Cackles Corner

Cackles Corner

Latest Episodes

How God Sees Our Failures [podcast #096]
December 13, 2018

Advent is a time to open our hearts more to receive Jesus. A good place to start is to acknowledge that God’s ways and thoughts are very different than ours. In order to do this, we need humility and receptivity.

Life is Short: How are You Spending Yours? [podcast #094]
November 15, 2018

Even if you live for 100 years, it’s not a long time compared to eternity. Our life is short. Then we die and will have to give an account to the Lord for how we spent it. Jesus gives the parable of the greedy landowner who planned on building new stor...

Pride and Humility [podcast #093]
November 08, 2018

  Pride is at the root of all sins. God loves the humble of heart, and that’s who He gives wisdom to.

Living a Life of Sacrifice, part 2 [podcast #092]
October 04, 2018

Fr. Nathan O’Halloran, SJ talks about how Father Thomas lived a life of self-sacrifice and was constantly dying to self, but he was always joyful. Fr. Rick was one of the freest people Fr. Nathan ever knew. The oldest paintings of St.

Living a Life of Sacrifice, part 1 [podcast #091]
September 27, 2018

This is a teaching that Fr. Nathan O’Halloran, SJ gave at our Wednesday night prayer meeting some years ago. Jesus tells his disciples, “Give them [the hungry crowd] some food yourselves.” What if we look at it with this punctuation — “Give them some f...

Let the Holy Spirit Wash Out the Junk in Our Hearts [podcast #090]
September 20, 2018

There are two little parables that Jesus gives in Mark 2:21-22: 1) don’t sew new, unshrunken material on old cloth or the tear will become worse, and 2) don’t put new wine into old wineskins or the skins will burst and all will be lost.

Talking to God From Your Heart [podcast #089]
September 06, 2018

The best prayer is prayer from your heart. Prayer is communication with God. It’s like talking to your best friend. We can’t hide anything from Jesus so we may as well tell him. Thanking God for things is a very good prayer.

It is Good For Us to Praise God [podcast #088]
August 30, 2018

The Word of God repeatedly tells us to praise the Lord. God doesn’t tell us to praise Him because He has low self-esteem or needs affirmation. He tells us to praise because it is for our own good. We are evangelizing ourselves when we praise the Lord,

We Must Pass Through Many Trials to Enter the Kingdom of God [podcast #087]
August 23, 2018

God puts us to the test by allowing trials in our lives. There are two types of trials: chocolate-covered or bitter. We’re more apt to recognize the bitter ones. We need to learn to recognize both, and prepare ourselves to pass the test.
