Cackles Corner

Cackles Corner

Latest Episodes

Draw Your Strength from the Lord [podcast 076]
May 10, 2018

Just like we need to plug in our cell phones every day to recharge the batteries so, too, do we need to draw our strength from the Lord to persevere in the Christian journey. How do we remain connected to God so we can draw our strength from Him?

The Power of Blessing [podcast 075]
May 03, 2018

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 The Biblical understanding of blessing is that when we bless,

Read the Bible [podcast #074]
April 26, 2018

Mary Ann shares that there was a fire that destroyed a house in our community. Everything burned to ashes EXCEPT the Bible and a cross. “Everything will pass away but my Word will never pass away.” The message is: we need to read the Bible,

Pray With the Strength that You Have [podcast #073]
April 05, 2018

Looking at the story of Gideon in the book of Judges in the Old Testament, we see an oppressed and fearful people who live in terror of the Mideonites. These cruel enemies of the Israelites would raid their crops and kill their livestock.

Know Thyself – Rules of Discernment #10 [podcast 072]
March 22, 2018

This is the last in a series of talks on St. Ignatius of Loyola’s “Rules for discernment of spirits” that I gave. Rule #14 – St. Ignatius gives us an example of what the enemy is like and applies it to the spiritual life: in this case,

Jesus Had Enemies and So Will We [podcast 071]
March 08, 2018

Jesus had enemies, and if we are seriously following Him, we will have enemies too. The enemies of Jesus were mainly religious leaders and even one of His own disciples. Sometimes our enemies are in our own family.

Bringing Things to the Light – Rules of Discernment #9 [podcast 070]
March 01, 2018

Continuation of a series of talks I gave on St. Ignatius of Loyola’s rules for discernment of spirits, drawing on Fr. Timothy Gallagher’s material as well as the actual rules from the Spiritual Exercises. Rule #13 – St.

Some Advice on Raising Children [podcast 069]
January 25, 2018

This is a talk that Mary Ann gave to a group of women back in 2005. She shares how children are a blessing from the Lord, and that the job of parents is to teach them to love God and to follow His will for their lives.

Learning Wisdom from Our Lady [podcast 068]
January 11, 2018

From a homily that Fr. Nathan O’Halloran SJ gave at The Lord’s Ranch on the feast of the Solemnity of Mary, January 1, 2018.  Today we celebrate a person who made a decision, and then stuck with her decision for her whole life,

Rules for Discernment – Talk #8 (part 2) [podcast 067]
December 21, 2017

Continuation of a series of talks I gave on St. Ignatius of Loyola’s rules for discernment of spirits, drawing on Fr. Timothy Gallagher’s material as well as the actual rules from the Spiritual Exercises. Rule #12 – St.
