Cackles Corner

Cackles Corner

Latest Episodes

006: God Reveals Things to the Childlike
August 17, 2016

If we want God to teach us and show us things, we need to have a childlike heart. God hides things from the wise and learned, and reveals them to the little ones, the simple and childlike. This does not refer to our level of education.

005: No podemos unicamente dejarnos llevar para seguir a Jesús
August 16, 2016

Necesitamos hacer una clara y fuerte decisión para seguir a Jesús. Si no lo hacemos, vamos a ser sarandeados y estrujados de arriba hacia abajo por el enemigo. Jesús nos llama a seguirlo. No sólo podemos dejarnos llevar por la vida y llegar al cielo.

005: You Can’t Just Float Into Following Jesus
August 10, 2016

We need to make a clear, strong decision to follow the Lord. We’re going to get tossed around and pulled here and there by the enemy if we don’t. Jesus calls us to follow Him. We can’t just float along in life, float into heaven.

004: ¿Cómo sabemos si Jesús nos reconocerá?
August 07, 2016

Jesús nos dice que no todo el que le diga “Señor, Señor . . .” entrará en el reino de los cielos. Él le dice a la gente que no conoce: “¡Apártense de mí . . .!” ¿Cómo sabemos que no lo escucharemos decir estas palabras cuando muramos?

004: How Do We Know if Jesus Will Know Us?
August 03, 2016

Jesus tells us that not everyone who says, “Lord, Lord…” will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He tells the people He doesn’t know, “Depart from me…” How do we know we won’t hear those words of His when we die? We want to hear Jesus say, “I know you.

003: El Señor quiere entablar amistad con nosotros
July 25, 2016

Nuestra amistad y nuestra unión con Dios se rompieron por el pecado. Pero Dios no quiere dejar las cosas así. La pregunta que Dios les hace a Adán y a Eva cuando se han escondido en el Paraíso, “¿dónde están?” es la misma pregunta que nos hace a nosotros.

003: God Wants Friendship With Us
July 25, 2016

Our friendship and union with God was ruptured by sin. But God doesn’t want to leave things that way. The question God asks Adam and Eve when they are hiding from Him in the garden, “Where are you?” is the same question He asks us.

002: Remember That We Are Dust
July 18, 2016

On Ash Wednesday when we receive ashes, we hear the words, “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.” No one knows if they will die suddenly. Lent is a good time to look at our lives, repent, and make the changes we need to make.

001: ¿Es importante tu pequeña ofrenda al Señor?
June 29, 2016

Cuando le ofrecemos al Señor cualquier sacrificio, don o talento, por más pequeño que sea, Él puede usarlo de maneras que ni siquiera podemos imaginar.

001: Does Your Small Offering to the Lord Matter?
June 28, 2016

What can we learn from the multiplication of the loaves and fishes? On this week’s episode of the Cackles Corner podcast Jesus encourages His disciples to reach down deep and offer Him whatever they have so that He can take it and use it to feed the mu...