C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Latest Episodes

Spiritual Leadership - Part 2 - Abraham, A Leader Embraces the Unknown
September 22, 2013

Spiritual Leadership is leadership that embraces the unknown. Are you willing to embrace something that no one has ever done or go where others have not gone? There is no creation without taking the step into the unknown. The unknown is frightening; it is

Spiritual Leadership - Part 1 - Noah, A Leader Stands
September 15, 2013

Every child of God is a leader. Kingdom leadership is something we sometimes disqualify ourselves from before we even get the chance to lead. We think we are not qualified to lead and will make excuses to get out of it. God did not call us to stand on the

A Tale of Two Churches - Ps Mark Kelsey
September 08, 2013

There is an image in the Bible that is used repeatedly to represent the church and the world. That image is the River and the Sea. The River is where life comes from; it flows into the Sea and brings it to life. The River exists for the sake of the Sea. T

Relationships - Ps Mark Kelsey
September 08, 2013

Relationships are the foundation for society. Without them, humanity would not thrive. The trouble is, in this day and age, we do not really know how to have relationships. We are not really taught how to interact with people and/or how to have great r...

Smooth Sailing - Part 2 - The Story of The Calm
September 01, 2013

What do you do when the storms of life come? Storms will always happen. It is a part of living in our fallen world. Often people try to either blame God or the devil for life’s difficult times. God does not send trials and tribulations into our lives

Smooth Sailing - Part 1 - Jesus in Your Boat
August 25, 2013

God is a supernatural God who intervenes in the natural. Luke 8:22-25 contains an account of His power over the natural that left His disciples baffled and afraid. Any person who encountered Jesus’ powers during His time on earth was left afraid, sho

Ps Kay Weeks - The Moper, TheWhiner and the Obedient
August 18, 2013

When things don’t go your way, do you become a moper, a whiner, or an obedient person? As we serve in God’s house, we will be faced with disappointment. The plan didn’t happen the way you thought; someone else got credit for your idea; or y

Ps Matt Shackelford - Be the Vessel
August 18, 2013

2 Kings tells the story of a woman with a problem. Her husband has died, leaving her and her two sons in debt and without provision to cover said debt. In her desperation, she turns to Elisha, the man of God, for help. Elisha asks her two questions: What

Ps Jake Sweetman - Close to Heaven
August 11, 2013

As we are humans, we will find ourselves forever fluctuating between the palace and the paddock; between what we want and where we are; between our Heaven on earth and the true destination of believers. We will always know that we are not where we were bu

Rise Up - Part 2 - Ps Tim Weeks
August 04, 2013

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12 that we are the body of Christ. He compares Christian and church life to being a body. A body has multiple parts that work together to function at 100% capacity. In the same way, we are people of diverse and different backg