C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Latest Episodes

What’s Your Mark? - Week 4: God’s Love, God’s Plan & Our Presumption
January 26, 2014

This week, we saw how Jesus confronted and overcame the devil. When the devil is at work, he is the father of lies; he breathes division and deception. If we give him the opportunity to come between us and God, we have given him the victory. We must alway

What’s Your Mark? - Week 3: The Baptism of Jesus
January 19, 2014

Jesus was baptized out of obedience to God. He did not need to be baptized—He was without sin—but, in order to connect with our humanity, He went through the action of declaring His intention to serve God. Baptism is the moment we declare public

What’s Your Mark? - Week 2: John the Baptist Prepares the Way
January 12, 2014

Mark used one Old Testament prophecy in the entirety of his writing, and it was in reference to John the Baptist. A more accurate translation would be John the baptizer. He was the “herald” to Jesus’ coming. Like any good king, Jesus had so

What’s Your Mark? - Week 1: The Bottom Line
January 05, 2014

In this live-and-let-live society, humanity is in the midst of a slow creep away from the standard-of-living presented in the Bible. People—Christians and non-believers alike—are revising the Word of God to fit into their own standard of living

The Miracle - Exceedingly Abundantly Above - Ps Jeff Kane
December 29, 2013

God has called you to live a life that is exceedingly, abundantly above all that you could ask or think. We cannot fathom what it is God has for us in our lives. We cannot live the abundant life in our own power. There is only one way to live this kind of

The Miracle - The Mercy Shown to Magi
December 22, 2013

From Genesis to now, God's plan has always been to bring redemption to His people. This is seen through the Magi who came to worship Jesus. The socio-accepted stance is that there were three wise men. That is not true (and, subsequently, not in the Bible)

The Miracle - The Promise of the Manger
December 15, 2013

Luke 2:10 But the angel said to them do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all people. The 500 year silence between the earth and God was broken at this moment when God orchestrated the time and the hour that the world wil

The Miracle - God’s Miraculous Orchestration
December 12, 2013

Jesus’ birth is full of minute details orchestrated by God to become the miracle that it was. God used pagans to move a young couple 80 miles from their home to Bethlehem under the radar. The Jews knew that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. The

Spiritual Leadership - Part 10 - Jesus, Leaders Face Defining Moments
December 01, 2013

There are several different kinds of moments in life that a leader will have to face: Moments of Temptation: Jesus faced temptation. In Luke 4, we see Him being tempted by the devil, and each time, Jesus refuted the temptation with the Word of God. The d

Spiritual Leadership - Part 9 - Jesus, Leaders Speak the Full Truth
November 24, 2013

Leaders will encounter and endure conflict. Jesus, the greatest leader of all time, was born into a time of conflict and genocide. He was hunted even as an infant, yet, He knew the times when He needed to lay low and when He needed to stand up and become