C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

What’s Your Mark? - Week 14: Lord of the Sabbath

March 30, 2014

When we begin to add things to the Bible, we begin deceiving ourselves into believing that we need to do things to win God’s favor. The Pharisees had, at this point in Israel’s history, added so many unnecessary stipulations to God’s law that simple things like the true meaning of the Sabbath become burdensome. God gave the Sabbath to humanity for one reason: to rest. In Exodus 20, He commands that we take a day off to rest after working hard for six days. This command to take it easy became a long list of “things you cannot do on the Sabbath” to the point that the Pharisees were offended when Jesus’ disciples picked some grain for a snack. We cannot put Christianity on display; Christianity is displayed within us and through us. Any other form is deception.

For more on freedom in God, check out whatsyourmark.org.