C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

What’s Your Mark? - Week 9: Making Us Clean

March 02, 2014

In Mark 1:40-45, Jesus heals a man of leprosy. Here, we see how leprosy is correlated to sin. Leprosy was seen by the Hebrews as unclean; this is a metaphor for sin. Sin isolates you from the will of God. Sin kills you slowly; you become numb to the truth. You lose your vision, your purpose, and the plan God has for your life.

Like the Leper in the story, we just need to ask God to make us clean. We must break away from the deception of sin and come face-to-face with our father. We are the reason He came to earth. He came to be among us and to save us from our sin. Jesus shows us compassion. He feels what we feel, and He is the only one that can intercede on our behalf to heal us and make us whole again. Jesus is the Messiah that has come to save us.

For more on the compassion of Christ, check out whatsyourmark.org