C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

What’s Your Mark? - Week 6: “One Day, In Galilee”

February 09, 2014

At the beginning of Jesus ministry, He traveled through Capernaum, Samaria, and Galilee. He went from from village to village preaching and teaching, and in doing so, He attracted many followers. There were the listeners, those being taught the word, and the ones who were about to receive a revelation of the power of God.

When we allow God to impact our world and bring us closer to Him, He will always use something that we are familiar with, something that we think we understand to show His glory (Luke 5:5-7). Jesus builds relationships through discipleship. He slowly opens up every aspect of our life so we will repent and allow Him to work through us to minister to others. We can only receive this revelation if we are obedient and do the work it requires to seek Him.

For more on the launch of Jesus’ ministry, check out whatsyourmark.org.