C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

What’s Your Mark? - Week 5: Repent and Believe

February 02, 2014

The first words Jesus spoke in His ministry were “Repent†and “Believeâ€. That is the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He calls us to repent from our sins and believe in Him. Repentance means “to change your mindâ€. Now a day, we can sometimes do a lax repentance, thinking that as long as we stop doing something, it counts. That is a religious mindset. Our actions do not save us, and in this case, our INACTION does not save us. Repentance goes deeper than simply not doing something. We all come to a moment in our lives where we realize we need help, and we wonder if Jesus is the one who can help us. Then, when faced with Him, we choose to believe—our minds are changed regarding who He is. From there, we are transformed from the INSIDE. Our motivations change and our actions follow. That transformation is repentance, and from that repentance, we believe.

For more on the the launch of Jesus’ ministry, check out whatsyourmark.org.