C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

The Miracle - The Mercy Shown to Magi

December 22, 2013

From Genesis to now, God’s plan has always been to bring redemption to His people. This is seen through the Magi who came to worship Jesus. The socio-accepted stance is that there were three wise men. That is not true (and, subsequently, not in the Bible). According to Persian culture (for the Magi were Persian), Magi always came in groups of twelve. They were the religious caste of the Persian Empire; well-versed in astrology and magic. They were, in a sense, everything opposite to God, and yet, God wanted them as a part of Jesus’ birth. He reached out to them through Daniel many centuries prior.

The account is found in Daniel 2:1-48. Daniel was able to interpret a dream for the king when the Magi could not. The king, in his rage, ordered the Magi executed, but Daniel intervened. He saved an entire people and culture and became chief over them. The Magi would not soon forget this. Generations later, it is the Magi who come in search of the King told to them first by Daniel. They followed His star (astrologers believed the future was in the stars), knowing it was a sign. The significance of their presence is thus: Magi were the king makers. No king could be endorsed as a king unless the Magi endorsed them. This group of men who did not believe in the God of Israel came in search of the King prophesied by Daniel, and when they found Him, they worshipped. They encountered God here because, generations ago, God moved to spare them. Redemption!