C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

The Miracle - God’s Miraculous Orchestration

December 12, 2013

Jesus’ birth is full of minute details orchestrated by God to become the miracle that it was. God used pagans to move a young couple 80 miles from their home to Bethlehem under the radar. The Jews knew that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. They never considered He wouldn’t be FROM Bethlehem. Mary becomes pregnant through the power of God—not intercourse, as is understood by humans, but by God’s power, and thus is something humanity does not understand—and is about to give birth. They arrive in Bethlehem, the Bread Basket of Judea. Mary gives birth in the stable. Jesus is wrapped in swaddling clothes—the same cloth that is used to bind the sacrificial lambs that are born and raised in Bethlehem for Temple Sacrifice. Jesus is laid in a manger—a feeding trough that is also used for the killing of the sacrificial lambs; they would be placed in the trough and killed. This is where Jesus, the final sacrifice for the wiping away of all sin in all of time, was placed. God orchestrated all of these details and so much more for this one perfect moment.

So what details are He arranging behind the scenes in your life to bring His good and perfect will to pass?