C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Spiritual Leadership - Special Message - Leaders Add Value - Ps Gordon Moore

November 10, 2013

God has called us primarily to encourage and add value to people. We should try to be a person of value instead of a person of success. Life defines success as achieving things, but being people of value is what it truly means to be successful. Adding value means not leaving people where you found them. Don’t leave people where you found them.

Here are Eight Ways We Can Add Value to People:

Value People: People matter to God; therefore, they should matter to us.
Make yourself more valuable and have something to add: All the things you have gone through in life others will go through; you can help them get through that!
Know and relate to what other people value: Listen to and understand what a person needs. Helping someone with a need is like scratching that unreachable spot on their back. You add value by helping them.
Help People Find Solutions to their Problems: Be a practical problem solver. If someone has a need you can help with, do it!
Share your knowledge with others: What God has done in you? Share it!
Imparting from your God given gifts: What God has given you, give out of that!
Seek people’s highest good: Find out people’s highest good and lift it up.
Do things that God values: If we do what He values for people, it will bring eternal value. What does God value? It’s in His Word.

Christian ministry should not be measured by how many people are ministered to but by how high these people are being lifted up. Adding value to people is what creates influence, and it is from that influence that we lead. Effective ministry is the act of adding value, and it is a daily task. 24/7, no matter what, always add value.