C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Spiritual Leadership - Part 4(B) - Moses, A Leader Listens To, Learns From, Leans On and is Lifted By God’s People

October 06, 2013

Leaders in the Kingdom are not prideful people. They get that beaten out of the fairly quickly. Leaders understand that they have weaknesses, and in this understanding, they bring people alongside of them who can step in and fill the gap created by that weakness. This is the importance of a leader having a team. The team gives the leader strength, aid, and guidance. A leader who tries to lead alone will burn out before he can get much of anything done.

Leaders build a team by growing the people around them. A leader makes a decision—creates momentum—and uses that to take people on a journey. Leaders cultivate a consensus where the people on the team can weigh in on decisions and help the leader make the best choice while still submitting to the leader’s final decision. A leader rarely will make the choice alone. He will listen to the people God has placed in his life and will discern which voices are God and which are not. Leaders understand the crucial need of the team and will make the sacrifices and difficult decisions needs to cultivate a strong team who will work together as one to win the prize God has set before them.