C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Spiritual Leadership - Part 4(A) - Moses, A Leader Has a Past Filled with Mistakes

October 06, 2013

Moses was a leader who established many of the primary leadership traits and skills we utilize today. He was the first leaders of a new nation. He had to learn as he went, and he made many mistakes. That is the first leadership trait we can learn from him: leaders have pasts that are full of mistakes. Leaders understand that they are not perfect and that mistakes are something they will have to face in their continuous journey of leading. A leader who owns up to his mistakes is one of the best. Leaders need to be transparent and accessible to people. It is that relatable nature that draws people to a leader.

Moses also showed that leaders need to be able to face the wilderness. The wilderness is a time of self-reflection; a moment in life where God’s voice is quiet and personal esteem is low. The wilderness is the place where a leader travels back toward God if he does not decide to camp in his misery. The wilderness is not a nice place. It is easy to set up camp and stay there, but a leader moves forward. Moving through the wilderness is what grows a leader and strengthens him to return to his task of leading God’s people.

Leaders are normal. They face all the same things that other people face, and it is because of this that leaders build great teams. Leaders will get tired. The team holds up the leader when he is feeling weak. The team helps the leader to lead. There is more on this point in part B of this sermon, so go ahead and go to “Spiritual Leadership-Part 4 (B)â€.