C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Spiritual Leadership - Part 3 - Joseph, A Leader Doesn’t Compromise

September 29, 2013

In continuing with our series on Spiritual Leadership, we are going to look at the leadership attributes we can learn from Joseph. Joseph was a leader who did not compromise. His story begins in Genesis 37. At a young age, Joseph was betrayed by his family and sold into slavery. His life, from that point, became a cycle of success and failure, and through it all, Joseph kept a positive and righteous attitude.

Joseph showed that a leader never compromises. Leaders have integrity and character. They do not “go with the flow†of whatever is trending; they resist temptation and live according to the moral standards of Christ. Leaders are principled, humble in their service, and know that their life affects the lives of other people. Leaders are disciplined, for they know that discipline equates success—not the world’s idea of success but God’s idea. Leaders are faithful, true, and stand for what is right no matter what opposition is coming against them. Leaders are gracious, competent, wise, and never dish out revenge. They forgive and move forward so that God can be seen in them, and His will can be enacted through them.