C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Spiritual Leadership - Part 2 - Abraham, A Leader Embraces the Unknown

September 22, 2013

Spiritual Leadership is leadership that embraces the unknown. Are you willing to embrace something that no one has ever done or go where others have not gone? There is no creation without taking the step into the unknown. The unknown is frightening; it is outside your comfort zone. No one wants to go there if it can be helped, and yet, God is calling His leaders to do just that!

Abraham was called by God to leave all that he knew and embrace the unknown. His call is in Genesis 12, verses one through three. He obeyed God’s call into the unknown and began a journey of faith that built a nation. Leaders embrace uncertainty even if it is uncomfortable. Do you want to stay where you are, or do you want to do something different?

Spiritual leadership is about adventure; about loving change and growth; and being willing to fail in the process. It is about growing a tough skin and rising above the negative voices trying to drag you down. If the positive voices are outweighing the negative, your dream is not big enough! Leadership is being willing to be unpopular, not caring about people’s opinions, and having the courage to look at where you are and where you are going and adjust course as need be. Leaders who go into the unknown fight to outlast their opposition, to think bigger than ever, and to know that, no matter how much it hurts, every moment is wroth it!