C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Spiritual Leadership - Part 1 - Noah, A Leader Stands

September 15, 2013

Every child of God is a leader. Kingdom leadership is something we sometimes disqualify ourselves from before we even get the chance to lead. We think we are not qualified to lead and will make excuses to get out of it. God did not call us to stand on the sidelines of His Kingdom—He has cheerleaders already: those who have run their race and are now in Heaven watching us. He wants us to participate. We are all leaders.

Kingdom leaders are people whose hearts demand to be a part of the process, the problem, and the solution. They understand that they are not qualified, and they rely on God to be the one to teach, equip, and qualify them. They are the ones who love people, have a desire to serve, and work to relinquish all motive or need of control. They allow God to develop in them a keen sense of self that guides them through what they can do and what they can do; the ability to connect and cultivate deep relationships with people; the courage to confront others when they are in the wrong and to stand for what is right even if they are alone. Leaders are vulnerable and do not try to play at being perfect. They are humble, have clear vision, and understand truth. They develop discernment to read people’s motives and intentions and use that to guide how they respond to situations and issues. Leaders risk rejection and choose every time to do what is right despite what the world around them is telling them to do.

Noah was a leader who stood alone. Genesis 6 and 7 show time and again that he was the only righteous man in the entire world. God was going to destroy everything; he was all that was left of the goodness of humanity. He knew what it meant to stand alone, but he chose to do so no matter what. Leaders will always stand alone for righteousness. It is a lonely position, but it is needed. The people of the world are running happily towards death; the leaders in the Kingdom are the ones who step up and say, “Stop!â€