C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Relationships - Ps Mark Kelsey

September 08, 2013

Relationships are the foundation for society. Without them, humanity would not thrive. The trouble is, in this day and age, we do not really know how to have relationships. We are not really taught how to interact with people and/or how to have great relationships. In order to help, here are six keys to great relationships:

1. We are flawed

The starting place for great relationships is what you bring into it. When you understand that what you bring into a relationship is flawed, it is easier to connect. They are flawed. We are flawed. This understanding helps to breakdown unrealistic expectations in relationships. This understanding removes the pressure to be perfect in a relationship. The revelation of our flawed nature gives us access to the power of God, for His power works best when we recognize that we are weak and in need of Him. We are humbled and walk in that, and when we do that, we bring a softness, a connectability, and a respect into the relationships around us.

2. Forgive and Forget

Forgiveness is one of the keys in relationships. Jesus spoke of forgiveness in a rather frightening way. He made it clear that if we do not forgive others, God will not forgive us. Forgiveness is the center of the Kingdom of God. While He was dying for us, Jesus was forgiving us. If we want healing, life, and freedom in our relationships, we need to make forgiveness as automatic as breathing; inhale God’s forgiveness and exhale forgiveness for others. Forgive even before someone asks for it, for if someone asks you to forgive them, you have waited too long to give forgiveness. If you want great relationships, forgiveness is key, and the aim of forgiveness is to forget. To forget an offense is to choose not to bring it back up whenever that person is with you. If you use the past offenses as a weapon, you have not forgiven them. Let it go to God and let the relationship heal.

3. Faith in Others

One of the keys to great relationships is believing in people. There is a spirit within you if you are a believing person that draws people to you. If you are a person who learns to believe in others, you will have great relationships, for we create a feeling about ourselves when we are with others. People will want to be around you if the feeling you create is a positive one. Encourage people sincerely; be interested in them and what is happening in their lives. There is a joy inside of you that encouraged people and inspires them. What is the spirit you have around you?

4. Be Firm in your identity in Christ

If you live out of insecurity, your relationships will begin to disintegrate, for insecurity demands others to fill the empty aspects of your identity. Relationships do not bring you identity; you bring identity to the relationship. Find your identity in Christ. Your behavior will follow your image. You will behave and live out of your identity. Figure out who you are and Whose you are, then your image will fall into place. The Word of God is the most powerful tool in shaping your image. You will discover your identity in Christ (who you are) by looking in the Word of God. When you become firm in your identity in Christ, nothing that anyone else says to you or about you will matter, and your relationships will take on a whole new level.

5. Seeing the Fight for Relationships

See the fight for your relationships, not the fight in the relationships. All too often, people will leave their relationships because they fixate on the fight in the relationships instead of seeing the reasons to fight for the relationships. There will always be a fight, but what is the fight you are in? The devil is fighting to take down your relationships. The most important relationships in your life will be the ones he will try his hardest to destroy. Claim the truths, promises, and the power of God’s Word over your relationships. Take the fight to the devil before he can bring it to you, and you will have overwhelming victory over his plans.

6. In my Father’s House

The context of all successful relationships is the Father’s House. People least understand the power of God’s House in providing thriving relationships. Jesus understood this. He constantly put at risk the key relationships in His life for the sake of the ultimate relationship: His relationship with His Father in Heaven. We need to make decisions in our relationships that will keep us inside of God’s House. Fight for your relationship with God in His House. Discover where you belong in the House of God and fight for that place of belonging. It is there, in that place, in God’s House, that key relationships are built.