C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Smooth Sailing - Part 1 - Jesus in Your Boat

August 25, 2013

God is a supernatural God who intervenes in the natural. Luke 8:22-25 contains an account of His power over the natural that left His disciples baffled and afraid. Any person who encountered Jesus’ powers during His time on earth was left afraid, shocked, or awe-struck. There was nothing like what He could do of which they knew. Humanity had not seen power like His, thus, when He showed He could not only command sickness to heal and demons to flew but take authority over the very weather, the disciples were left speechless.

The story goes that Jesus—who, according to Mark, had just finished a lengthy sermon on the shoreline—told His disciples that they would cross the lake. Jesus fell asleep during the trip, and a large storm came down from the mountains. The disciples were so afraid that they woke Him up, shouting, “Master! Master!†Upon waking, Jesus rebuked the wind and the waves. The storm stopped, and they traveled safely to the other side.

Life is full of storms. We are in our boat, sailing along, thinking everything is going smoothly when, seemingly out of nowhere, a storm hits! We begin to panic. Where is God in the midst of all of this? Has He abandoned us to die? No. He’s there. He’s just calm. Jesus is always calm; before, during, and after your storms. He is not shocked when they come; He knows they will pass. What He wonders through it all is if we have the faith to believe it will be alright? When Jesus tells us we are going somewhere, He will get us there; however, it is difficult to remember that in the storms of life. We cry out to Jesus for help.

Jesus rebukes the wind and the waves. The waves were the immediate threat to their lives; the wind was the cause. When we call out to Jesus, He will help us with the immediate threat, but He also will deal with the cause of the problem. He is the master of our lives; if we call to Him, we should remember that. He will intervene in the natural and, through it, remind us that He is supernatural and will get us through.