C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Ps Kay Weeks - The Moper, TheWhiner and the Obedient

August 18, 2013

When things don’t go your way, do you become a moper, a whiner, or an obedient person? As we serve in God’s house, we will be faced with disappointment. The plan didn’t happen the way you thought; someone else got credit for your idea; or you are being asked to do something you don’t want to do. All of these situations and so many more are common when serving in the House. How you respond determines your heart and character as a servant.

The moper is someone who holds onto the past and will not move on into something new. God is calling those of us who are holding onto the disappointments of the past to RISE UP and move on! He has something so much better for us if we will get moving. He wants to take us into something new if we will trust that He truly has a future and a hope for us.

The whiner is the one who complains because they are not getting the credit or the opportunity or the lime light. Whiners need to realize that serving in the House is not about us. Yes, we can have amazing ideas, but that does not mean we will be the ones to see them come to pass. Someone else may be better equipped to take your idea and make is a reality. God knows what He has created in each of us to do. He will guide and direct us if we let Him. The beat of our hearts needs to be, “God, your name be praised!†It is His name that will bring people to Him.

The obedient one is the one who says, “Yes Lord, got it!†whenever they are asked to serve in whatever capacity presented to them. They know that the House of God is not a place for them to shine; it is a place where the lost are won. He or she knows that what they do if for those who need God. Rise up and take the call of God to serve to the best of your capacity in His House, and trust Him to see to the rest. The world needs God, God needs you, so RISE UP and serve!