C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Mysterious Kingdom - Week 4

July 07, 2013

God’s stuff starts small. This is illustrated in the parable of the mustard seed. Jesus explains that the Kingdom is like a mustard seed. Though it is the smallest seed of the garden plants (a specific detail that is necessary, for those who seek to disprove the Bible will point out that the orchid seed is smaller than a mustard seed), the mustard seed grows into the largest of the garden herbs. The Kingdom is like a tiny seed. That is a strange concept to grasp for humanity, but if we get this, we will be able to have a better understanding of God, His Kingdom, and how it all works.

The Kingdom is built around the idea of the seed. A seed is planted in good soil (the first parable of the soils). It stays there for a long time. We cannot force the seed to grow any faster. If we get impatient with the seed, we do not allow it to grow. Growth is so important in the Kingdom. Slow growth develops deep roots that bring nutrients and sustainability to the plant that will allow it to last. Our generation is used to getting everything now. Impatience can kill the seed. All things with God start small and take time.

Jesus wanted His disciples then and us now to know that though things start small, if we are faithful in tending the soil and letting the seed grow, the plant that is produced will last. The Kingdom may be starting small (there were 12 disciples and 120 other people at the start), but it expanded to cover the world and it lasts. The Kingdom will not end.