C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Giftings - Ps Dean Sweetman

May 26, 2013

1 Corinthians 12 is the introduction of the Gifts of the Spirit. These gifts are given to the Church by the Spirit in order to edify and encourage the believers. The Holy Spirit determines who has what gift. Some people move strongly in certain gifts while others do not; however, every person has the ability to move in all of these gifts at any given time. The Spirit knows which gift you need when. There are some gifts that are more visible than others and can sometimes be elevated above the rest, yet it is the invisible gifts that make the visible gifts look so good in the first place for none of the gifts can function separately. The Church is the Body of Christ—all parts work together. The Gifts of the Spirit are meant to help bring unity to the Body as well as spread the truth about God throughout the world. The gifts bring an Encounter to unbelievers, woos them to Him, and show them who He truly is.