C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

On Parenting - Ps Dean & Jill Sweetman

May 12, 2013

We live in an age where the idea of a parent has shifted. Moms have to also be dads; Dads sometimes have to be Mr. Mom; Grandparents may find themselves raising their grandchildren; and there are even people who are raising children that are not related to them at all. Parents are the primary influence in a child’s life, thus is it very important for parents of any dynamic to understand a few key elements of parenting.

First is communication. Children need to know that they have a safe place for their opinions to be heard. Parents raise up and teach their children what is and is not right, and sometimes, due to the depths of love said parents have for the children, they can get a bit over zealous in their “I am doing this for you own good†mindset. Parents need to teach their children the ways of God, but they also need to understand that children need to eventually work out for themselves whether or not they accept God. Having a place where it is safe to discuss their thoughts and ideas regarding Him and regarding life in general is important.

Parents should also understand that their children will hear thousands of different opinions and feel pressure from outside sources to conform to the ways of the world. Parents should, as a way to remain aware of these pressures, should be savvy in their children’s technology. Social media is the central focus of this generation. Parents can use that to their advantage. It is where they can see what is really going on in and around the lives of their children and can stay relevant to the moment.

Stability is the best thing for a child. Two parents or single parent, all households should strive to present a front of stability. Single parents should endeavor to keep their children in Church so that the children can experience the relationship and fellowship of opposite gender adults. This helps to fill in the gap of the missing parent. A mom and dad should do their best not to argue in front of their children. Above all, parents should be big enough to apologize to their children when they compromise that sense of security.

Lastly and most importantly, parents need to understand that they will fail. We are all human. Children have a fallen nature the same as the rest of us. Once parents understand that they will make mistakes and fail at certain aspects, they will have the freedom to raise real children instead of trying to become the Brady Bunch. Parents can focus on becoming better role models by bettering themselves in body, soul, and spirit.

Overall, parenting is hard but it is worth it. Do not give up. Trust God, trust His House, and keep raising those children!