C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Alive - Week 5 - Ps Matt Shackleford - Pick Up the Phone

April 28, 2013

Acts 8 verses 26-40 depicts what happens when someone obeys when God calls. Philip was told by an angel sent from God to go south through the desert. Philip goes and, on the road, sees a chariot. The Holy Spirit tells him to walk beside the chariot. Philip obeys. The chariot belongs to a Eunuch from Ethiopia who is returning home from Jerusalem. The Eunuch was reading prophesies about Jesus. Philip heard what he was reading, asked him about it, and the two began to talk. Philip told the Eunuch about Jesus. The Eunuch, who was the treasurer for the Queen of Ethiopia got saved and went on to bring Jesus to his home country. To this day, Ethiopia has one of the largest Christian populations in Africa!

How often do we ignore God when He is calling? God will do all that He can to connect with us, but if we are no listening or not acting, the miracle God has planned does not happen. How many peoples’ destinies, salvation’s, and eternities are on the other side of us listening to God and obeying? When God calls us, He does not tell us what to do nor does He demand that we be the salvation. He simply asks us to go, obey, and let Him work. He brings the miracles; we simply go. God wants us to reach people; all we need to be is open and willing and be the invitation.