C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Alive - Week 4 - Ps Kay Weeks - God, You Want What?!

April 28, 2013

There are times in our lives that God will ask us to do something that we do not want to do. In those moments, we have a choice to make: His way or our way? Jonah was faced with a situation where he could either obey God or run. In Jonah 1, God asked him to go to Nineveh and tell the people there that He was going to destroy them all because of their wickedness. It was not a message Jonah wanted to convey, thus he ran off.

Jonah was the prophet of God. He turned his back on what God was calling him to do. We all can do this. We know that God is calling us to something—serving in the church, giving above the tithe, etc…—and yet we do not want to do it. So, we choose our own way. Now, God’s will happens regardless of whether we want to be involved or not, but why would you want to let someone else do what it is God has called you to do? God pursued Jonah. He wanted His prophet to go to Nineveh. Three days in the belly of a fish brought Jonah is a swift repentance. God commissioned Jonah again, and this time, he obeyed.

We need to examine our hearts to see what it is that is driving us to disregard that which God is requesting of us. There are people’s lives on the other side of our obedience. So, lay down the notion of “It’s all about me†and follow God. Let Him work His will through us, for we are an army and we work together to see His will come to pass. What is God calling you to do?