C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

Alive - Week 4 - Ps Tim Weeks - Come On Up.

April 22, 2013

The way of a disciple of Christ is to step up into the storms of life and see what God will do. We can all too often opt to hide in the background, live life in anonymity, and let life just pass us by. But that is not what God is calling us to do. He wants us to believe that He is a God that can do anything. If we believe that, we can step up when life gets hard. Storms in life come and go. These storms are opportunities for us see God’s will come to pass. We can pray for God to move, but we never really know what He is going to do when He moves. We believe and have the faith to move; we know that when we move, He meets us; but we are never certain exactly HOW He will move. That is what being a leader is all about. We move regardless of the odds to see what God will do. We are compelled by our faith in God to obediently take action in the face of obstacles and opposition and motivate others to follow us. When we take the risk, God moves in ways we never thought possible!