Beyond Your Wildest Genes

[BYWG BEST OF…] Eating Addiction & Eating Disorders: A Holistic Approach with Dana Leigh Lyons
[BYWG BEST OF...] Eating Addiction & Eating Disorders: A Holistic Approach with Dana Leigh Lyons
Dr. Dana Leigh Lyons is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Chinese Medicine instructor. Her long-distance coaching business – Alchemist Eating – is anchored in mindfulness, curiosity and compassion.
As an eating and lifestyle coach, Dr. Dana helps people eat in a way that’s healthy, intuitive and uncomplicated.
As a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, she has treated hundreds of patients over the course of thousands of treatment sessions. She has also led more than a hundred group sessions at addiction treatment centers and co-taught addiction treatment trainings for medical students and healthcare professionals.
Additionally, Dr. Dana is an instructor of acupuncture, herbal medicine, therapeutics, and nutrition at the Chinese Medicine College in Nelson, BC.
Her Three-Month Coaching Package is available internationally, through phone sessions and weekly emails. It offers a powerful starting place for changing your relationship with food…and recovering your true self. Find out more and get her free ebook on Holistic Recovery from Eating Addictions and Eating Disorders from her website.
BYWG Book of the Month
Our BYWG Book of the Month is the Buddha and The Badass by Vishen Lakhiani.
If you're the average person in the developed world, you spend 70 percent of your waking hours at work. And if you're the average person, you're miserable for most of those hours. This is simply not an acceptable state of affairs for your one shot at life. No matter your station, you possess incredible unique powers. It's a modern myth that hard work and hustle are the paths to success. Inside you is a soul. And once you unleash it fully into the domain of work, magic happens. Awakening the Buddha and the Badass inside you is a process that will disrupt the way you work altogether. You'll gain access to tools that bend the very rules of reality.
Click Here for The Buddha and The Badass
BYWG Product of The Month is
Pique Tea
Our BYWG Product of the Month is Pique Tea with a 1st time ever 5% discount on their entire line of teas using the code BYWG
Experience the Benefits
Support Gut Health
Your gut contains over 100 trillion bacteria that play a vital role in your overall health. Tea is known for its polyphenol content. Polyphenols are a prebiotic-type substance that help feed healthy gut bacteria, such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria. A healthy balance of gut flora has been linked to digestive support, healthy weight management, immune support and more!
Support Fasting
Tea holds the unique honor of being the one beverage (besides water) used for centuries by monks and religious practitioners to aid them with fasting. More than ancient folklore, tea is now one of the most commonly recommended solutions by leading medical doctors to help patients fast more easily and effectively. Tea helps you stay fasted for longer, which can enhance the benefits of your fasting goals.
Support Calm Energy
Tea contains l-theanine, an amino acid shown to promote calm and help elevate mood. It works synergistically with tea caffeine, which is metabolized over several hours to provide calm, sustained energy.