Beyond Your Wildest Genes

Beyond Your Wildest Genes

Own Your Self

September 30, 2019

The Surprising Path beyond Depression, Anxiety, and Fatigue to Reclaiming Your Authenticity, Vitality, and Freedom by Kelly Brogan, M.D.

For years, we’ve been telling ourselves that our difficult feelings—sadness, rage, shame, intensity, worry—are somehow “not okay.” And, all too often, we’ve relied on the promise of pharmaceuticals to tamp them down. The fact is, though, that these feelings are a vital part of our experience. They are real. And those of us who feel them most strongly are the canaries in the coalmine—sensitive to things that are seriously wrong in the world today.

In a book that’s both provocative and promising, holistic psychiatrist Kelly Brogan, M.D., author of A Mind of Your Own, shows us that we don’t have to medicate our mental, emotional, and physical pain away—that the best way out is through. She explodes the mistaken belief that our symptoms—from mood changes to irritability to fogginess and fatigue—are evidence that we are sick or broken.

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