Maxwell Institute Podcast

Maxwell Institute Podcast

Reforming the sacraments, with Jennifer Powell McNutt [MIPodcast #68]

September 27, 2017
Martin Luther believed the Bible proved that the Catholic Church had gone astray. His efforts to bring reform to the church wound up leading to his excommunication and the Reformation was off and running. In the previous two episodes we heard from Craig Harline and Brad Gregory, talking about Martin Luther’s life and the Reformation more broadly. In this episode, Jennifer Powell McNutt talks about the Bible during the Reformation.

If Protestants believed the Bible was the supreme source of doctrinal truth, they, like Catholics, were still left with the problem of how to interpret it. The “people’s book” was revered by different people with different ways of interpreting. McNutt has written about how Christians grappled with the Bible’s words about Christian sacraments like baptism, marriage, and ordination. She lays out some of that back-and-forth history here, and also talks about her experiences teaching Christian students at Wheaton College.
About the Guest

Jennifer Powell McNuttis associate professor of theology and history of Christianity at Wheaton College. She is the author of Calvin Meets Voltaire: The Clergy of Geneva in the Age of Enlightenment, and the co-editor of the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of the Bible and the Reformation. Her most recent book is called The Peoples Book: The Reformation and the Bible.

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