Maxwell Institute Podcast

Maxwell Institute Podcast

‘The Spiritual Practice of Remembering,’ with Margaret Bendroth [MIPodcast #112]

June 23, 2020

Margaret Bendroth has spent a good deal of her life trying to remember the past, and trying to help others remember, too. To Bendroth, memory is more than sentimental and history is more than a list of dates and names. Bendroth says remembering is a religious and spiritual practice. In this episode, she joins us to discuss her short but stunning book, The Spiritual Practice of Remembering.

About the Guest

Margaret Bendroth is executive director of the Congregational Library in Boston, Massachusetts, and a historian of American religion. Her books include The Spiritual Practice of RememberingThe Last Puritans: Mainline Protestants and the Power of the Past, and Growing Up Protestant: Parents, Children and Mainline Churches.

Watch Dr. Bendroth’s Maxwell Institute Guest Lecture here.


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