Because You Need to Know®
Dr. Irma Becerra 2 - Because You Need To Know - Pioneer Knowledge Services
Environment creates opportunity. See the response from Marymount University in the pandemic; creating opportunities for a better future and arming the 21st century citizen with tools that allow quick pivots. President Irma Becerra details the challenge and the future.
Dr. Irma Becerra took office as the seventh President of Marymount University on July 1, 2018. After just one year, she has launched the university’s new strategic plan, added market-driven academic programs that prioritize career preparation, acquired The Rixey luxury apartment building for use as a new residence life option, and improved the university’s IT infrastructure through the implementation of Workday.
Dr. Irma Becerra took office as the seventh President of Marymount University on July 1, 2018. She is a nationally recognized educator known for innovation, entrepreneurship, and transformational education. Prior to Marymount, she served as Provost and Chief Academic Officer at St. Thomas University, and also spent three decades at Florida International University (FIU) in a variety of positions that include Vice President, Vice Provost, Entrepreneurship Center Director, and tenured professor. She became the first woman to earn a Ph.D. in electrical engineering at FIU.
Edwin K. Morris is the president and founder of Pioneer Knowledge Services which produces this educational program, Because You Need To Know. It is part of the mission to educate and bring awareness around knowledge management and nonprofit concerns.