Because You Need to Know®
Shaping your Ba with Larriza Thurler
Communication, Knowledge Management, and Project Management consultant. PhD in Information Science (IBICT/UFRJ) with a Master's degree in Communication (UERJ), MBA in Innovation and Strategic Management (HSM Education) and specialization in Project Management (IBMEC), all in Brazil.
Open Data Institute Research Fellow - Value of Data Cohort, with a research focused on strategies to encourage organizations to use and share data to address various challenges through the Data Thinking Journey Canvas. Co-creator and facilitator of KMAP Canvas, a knowledge mapping tool that uses a design thinking approach. ROM Knowledgeware Partner in delivering KM projects in Central and South America.
Independent researcher, Professor and Master on Business and Knowledge Management (MBKM) Coordinator at the Reference Center for Strategic Intelligence – CRIE, lab for Entrepreneurship and Innovation associated with the Engineering Program of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), in Brazil. Engaged as a Knowledge Management Researcher at the Euvaldo Lodi Institute (IEL) within inovabra, an innovation ecosystem fostering transformative solutions inside and outside Bradesco, a major Brazilian bank.
#KM #KnowledgeManagement #TacitKnowledge #Ba #SharingKnowledge #OpenData #Communications #Innovation #ProjectManagement LInks above: Partners | Rom Knowledgeware ( inovabra | Bradesco