Because You Need to Know®

Because You Need to Know®

Creating Marvelous Conversation with David Gurteen

October 30, 2023

David Gurteen is a keynote speaker and conversational facilitator specializing in knowledge management, organizational learning, and conversational leadership. He gives keynote talks, organizes knowledge cafés, and conducts workshops globally.

He is best known for creating the Gurteen Knowledge Café. This conversational process brings people together to learn from each other, share experiences, and make sense of a rapidly changing, complex world.

He also publishes a monthly Knowledge Letter, which has been running for 24 years.

Currently, he is developing a website and writing on an online book (a blook) on Conversational Leadership.

Conversational leadership is an emerging discipline that recognizes the power of conversation and takes a conversational approach to working together effectively in a complex world.  It embraces principles like distributed leadership, skilful conversation, and nurturing community, seeing leadership as a choice and conversation as critical for sensemaking, relationships, decisions, and action.

An Introduction to Conversational Leadership
