By His Grace

By His Grace

Rachael Adams: A Little Goes a Long Way

November 02, 2022

On this episode of the By his Grace podcast, Misty Phillip sits down with Rachael Adams, speaker, podcaster, and author of the newly released A Little Goes a Long Way.


“Hi, I’m Rachael! My writing and podcasting journey began when I was sitting in church and saw a love offering envelope in the pew in front of me. I sensed the Lord whispering to my heart that, metaphorically speaking, we are his love offerings to the world. So, I began having conversations with women who were living faithfully and loving the world around them in practical and tangible ways. Through the conversations I have had and through my own personal experience, I discovered many of us don’t believe our contributions or offerings matter. It is my hope this devotional and my ministry can change this narrative. That women will be encouraged and realize their God-given purpose and believe their lives are significant to his kingdom. In God’s hands, small acts done with great love can have an enormous impact.”


Rachael’s Book

A Little Goes a Long Way


Connect with Rachael

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