By His Grace

By His Grace

Rick Green: Biblical Citizenship not White Nationalism

May 30, 2022

Continuing her series from the National Religious Broadcast Media event, host of By his Grace podcast Misty Phillip sat down with Rick Green to discussion Biblical Citizenship, Biblical Worldview, and the Patriot Academy.We have a role to play in Restoring America’s Biblical & Constitutional Foundations of Freedom! Inspire Patriotism, Equip Citizens, Educate A Nation

Rick Green

Rick Green is a former Texas State Representative, national speaker, author, and radio host. Rick travels the nation speaking for David Barton’s WallBuilders organization and Rick and David co-host the national daily radio program, WallBuilders Live! Rick is the author and executive producer of Constitution Alive!, America’s most engaging and entertaining study of the U.S. Constitution. Rick is the founder and president of Patriot Academy, which trains young leaders in founding principles as they participate in mock legislative sessions held in state capitols across the nation.

Key Takeaways 

“But The best part is they are having to apply a biblical worldview, not just learn a biblical worldview deal with the hottest issues of the day whatever that piece of legislation may be and think through what does the Bible say about this, what does the constitution say about it what can I learn from history.”

LIFT Principles – Limited Government. Individual Liberties, Free Enterprise, Timeless Truth

“Listen if I’m gonna be a good follower of Christ that I’m supposed to be all his commands, that’s a great commission right is to make disciples that will obey all his commands.”

“If we don’t fall in love with God’s word again,  all the things we are doing to get good people elected and be involved: “politically” none of it’s gonna work. We have to be in God’s word first and then take his word and go truly be soft not just a preservative but also bring out the best flavor in the culture.”

“We have to be in God’s word first, and then take his word and go truly be salt, not just the preservative, but also bring out the best flavor in the culture.”

“America thrives when the Bible is infused into the culture that’s why we became the most powerful, most free, most benevolent nation in history because the Bible was infusing the best principles and the salt was bringing out the best flavors.”

“We don’t have very good flavor in America right now, because we aren’t being the salt.”

“That’s what the course became, a biblical perspective on government, combined with our particular constitutional knowledge that was not taught in schools.”

“We are teaching, through the Church, what the schools should have taught, but in a biblical setting.


The Light and the Glory – Peter Marshall

Wall Builders

Original Intent: The Courts, the Constitution & Religion

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