By His Grace

By His Grace

Jesse Brisendine: Moving Beyond Grief

October 19, 2020

In this episode of By His Grace, I chat with Jesse Brisendine, the creator of Zero Limits Coaching. He is a world-renowned expert who works with individuals and organizations to move beyond their limiting beliefs and uncover their unique purpose. Jesse gave a TED talk on grief and shares his perspective on the topic with us. 
After losing his best friend and suffering other losses, Jesse began asking questions about the healing process. His findings were both interesting and insightful. 
Key Takeaways 

* “What we focus on, we’ll experience.” 
* “When our focus is constantly on grief and grieving, it is going to be impossibly hard to shift our focus to life and living.”
* “What loss is about is honoring our unique journey and our unique experience of it.” 
* “We have to feel all of the feels so that we can move forward.” 

 “Grief is Not a Life Sentence” TED Talk: Grief is not a Life Sentence
Jesse’s Website:
Connect with Jesse on Social Media! 
LinkedIn: Jesse Brisendine
Instagram: Jesse Brisendine IG
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