The ButtonClick Admin Podcast | For Salesforce Admins, Developers, and Executives
Admin Tips with Jenny Bamber
"Working behind the scenes of the Salesforce Setup menu"
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About Jenny Bamber
Jenny is a Salesforce Certified Administrator and Salesforce Admin blogger at Desynit Ltd based in Bristol - UK. When Jenny is not providing Admin support for Desynit and their clients she is taking on her own mission - providing Admins with the news, the smarts, the tips, the lowdown needed to be a superstar administrator on her Jenny’s Admin Tips blog. Jenny is also a regular attendee of the ‘world first’ Admin User Group in London, which provides a chance to keep up to date with Admin best practices, swap career notes, share inspiring stories and form fab relationships. And she hopes to see you there one day!
Jenny's Admin Tips
London Admin User Group
Admin Buzz
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