The ButtonClick Admin Podcast | For Salesforce Admins, Developers, and Executives

The ButtonClick Admin Podcast  | For Salesforce Admins, Developers, and Executives

Silcon Slopes with Jake Martin

February 25, 2016

This week we break from our regular routine and broadcast live from Snowforce 2016. Snowforce is a community event of over 400 Salesforce Admins, Developers, Executives, and End Users. It is organized by the volunteer leaders of the Utah area user groups, including the Salt Lake City User Group, the Utah County User Group, the Utah Developer Group, and the Utah Women in Technology Group. Tomorrow, we hit the slopes & play in the pow pow!
We had an opportunity to sit down with one of our biggest fans in Salt Lake City- Jake Martin to talk about how he got involved in the Salesforce community, what he is most passionate about and his big plans for 2016. We love connecting with our fans, and we love hearing how they are helping others succeed. Jake is a great example of one Salesforce Admin helping another! And big shout out to former podcast guest Melissa VanDyke for inspiring Jake.

Be sure to connect with Salesforce Admins on twitter at@SalesforceAdmns

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Hear the podcast that inspired Jake : Admin to Admin Academy with Melissa VanDyke

We want to get your suggestions for guests on the podcast and we need your help! In every podcast episode we talk to many amazing admins, and we are op So tweet your guest suggestions, support, etc using the hashtag #ButtonClickGuest to help us get more AwesomeAdmins on the podcast.
We want to remind you that if you love what you hear, or even if you don't head on over to iTunes and give us a review. It's super easy to do and it really helps more Admins find the podcast. Plus, we would really appreciate it.