Fearless Business Podcast

Fearless Business Podcast

Episode 106: Grace

March 26, 2020

We made it to week 2! Headcount… yep, we’re all here! 
This week Jamie and Mary work through the coping side of this pandemic. You just gotta get through it.
The ladies are going to talk about:> Setting healthy boundaries > Re-evaluating your life - personal & business> Being flexible with your new reality> How they handle the new process of grocery shopping
Tune in to find out Jamie’s silver lining of the 6-foot rule as well as the ladies’ drinks of choice this week!
Please join us in the HQ because we want to hear about how everyone else is finding grace in their week. How are your stages of grief coming along? 
And if you don’t have grief, but are feeling joy - we want to hear about how that works! 
They are loving your responses, so keep them coming. Thank you for going through this crazy time with us!
Stay tuned for next week - Part 3, Word 3!
As always, please subscribe to the FearLess Business Podcast wherever you listen, and we are always eternally grateful for a review.
Find Jamie here:
Website: www.hashtag-legal.com
Instagram: @hashtag_legal
Facebook: @hashtaglegalllc
Find Mary here:
Website: www.thetransitionscollective.com & www.brieftransitions.com
Instagram: @thetransitionscollective @brieftransitions
Facebook: @thetransitionscollective @brieftransitionsforwomen