Fearless Business Podcast

Fearless Business Podcast

48: 1% Infinity: Next Level Food Blogging with Bjork Ostrom

August 09, 2018

We love a success story.

Headlines continue to sound the death knell for bloggers and blogging, but the truth is that this medium is far from dead. What it's doing is evolving— growing up and learning responsibility, really— and there is no shortage of paths bloggers can take to also evolve, honing their craft and maximizing their potential.
...continual improvement, every day, over a long period of time.

-Bjork Ostrom
Bjork Ostrom and his wife Lindsay are the perfect example of that: they launched the food and recipe blog Pinch of Yum back in 2010, and they've been taking their food blogging business to the next level ever since. Bjork is the founder of Food Blogger Pro, a membership website that teaches food bloggers how to start, grow, and monetize their blogs. Day to day, you’ll also see him around WP Tasty (the go-to place for WordPress plugins for food bloggers), Nutrifox (a tool for creating your own custom nutrition labels), and Pinch of Yum, as well as hosting the Food Blogger Pro podcast.

We're super excited to have you listen in on our conversation with Bjork! In this episode you'll learn about:

* The Food Blog Money Making Experiment: income reports and why they were included them on Pinch of Yum
* the story behind the launch of Food Blogger Pro
* trends in blogging and the influencer space
* Nutrifox, WP Tasty and the plugins that they offer
* advice for those looking to succeed in this space today

What small thing can you do TODAY to take your food blogging (or any blogging!) to the next level? Let's brainstorm over in Businessese HQ, our private Facebook group for digital entrepreneurs and all-around awesome influencers of all kinds.


Food Blogger Pro and Pinch of Yum
WP Tasty: Tasty Pins, Tasty Links, and Tasty Recipes
The Food Blog Money Making Experiment
The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield
Lost and Founder: A Painfully Honest Field Guide to the Startup World by Rand Fishkin
Contact Bjork: bjork@foodbloggerpro.com