Fearless Business Podcast

Fearless Business Podcast

45: Building a Virtual Assistant Business with Abbey Ashley

July 19, 2018

* Running your own business from home by marketing the skills you most enjoy using— with the freedom and flexibility that comes with it.

* Delegating the tasks you aren't proficient in, don't have the time for, or just plain dislike.

Whether you're launching a virtual assistant business or considering hiring a VA to help with your own business, the concept of virtual assistance is very attractive. But what's the most effective way to get this sort of remote work off the ground and generating steady income if you don't already have a roster of potential clients? And where can busy business owners go to find a VA that fits their specific needs and company culture?

Abbey Ashley joins us this week to talk all things VA! Abbey is the Founder of The Virtual Savvy, where she helps aspiring virtual assistants launch and grow at-home businesses from scratch. She started her own virtual assistant business in 2013, doubling the salary from her full-time corporate job while working only 20 hours a week... in just 30 days. She's gone on to grow a multi-six figure business and retire her husband, ALL though her at-home business.
One of the biggest mistakes I see people making is that they just wait until everything's perfect instead of just launching.

-Abbey Ashley
In 2016 Abbey began teaching others how to build a VA business and taste the freedom and flexibility of entrepreneurship. Listen in and learn about:

* the skills that are essential for an aspiring VA (and some that are not so essential)
* who may be best suited to virtual assistance work
* tips for someone hiring a VA and how to find the right person
* a common mistake Abbey sees people make when hiring VAs
* specialization vs generalization: when to narrow your niche
* her advice for those starting their own VA business

You'll also hear all about Abbey's online course that's a virtual "business in a box"— VA Bootcamp.

Enjoy and prepare to launch! And don't hesitate to shoot your VA questions over in our private Facebook group, Businessese HQ.

Psssstt... need a contract for a virtual assistant? We've got those.


The Virtual Savvy
50 Services to Offer as a Virtual Assistant
Hire a VA form
VA Bootcamp
I Like Giving: The Transforming Power of a Generous Life by Brad Formsma