Fearless Business Podcast

Fearless Business Podcast

36: The Tech Side of GDPR Implementation with Jill Sessa

May 17, 2018

Yes, that's right.
We're talking GDPR again.
Why? Because it's important. We do not recommend ignoring the new requirements put forth by the General Data Protection Regulation. But also because we've been hearing a lot of questions about the how behind GDPR compliance, and we want to make sure that no one finds themselves non-compliant simply because they were thwarted by the technical how-tos of the process.

Since the tech side of website maintenance is not our strongest suit, we've invited the magician that we entrust our own site to: Jill Sessa of Ultimate WP Help. A digital nomad, Jill travels the country while handling website maintenance and support for small businesses and solo entrepreneurs, and in this episode of the Businessese Influencer Marketing Podcast she guides us through the technicalities of GDPR implementation— and why businesses should view the process as a positive.
It's just simply a matter of having respect for that relationship, and these tech pieces that we're talking about enable you to elevate that entire discussion.

-Jill Sessa
OK: deep breath! We are going to get through this. No problem.

Listen in to hear about:

* how much time you should expect to spend on GDPR implementation
* anonymizing IP addresses in Google Analytics and how that will affect your reporting
* the data that pixels, cookies and Google Analytics collect and how they differ
* what you need to do with your existing email list, and for new subscribers going forward
* Jill's preferred GDPR plugin
* what "the right to be forgotten" means and how to handle that process (including a step that you probably hadn't considered)
* GDPR set-up packages offered by Ultimate WP Help to ensure you are fully compliant

Any further GDPR questions and concerns? Ask away in Businessese HQ.
Jill's websites: Ultimate WP Help and JillSessa.com
GDPR Checklist for Influencers
GDPR set-up packages (which include our GDPR compliant privacy policy and we are affiliates for): Businessese.com/GDPRtech
A Survivor's Journey: From Victim to Advocate by Natasha Simone Alexenko

More on GDPR:
The GDPR and U.S. Based Businesses