Fearless Business Podcast

Fearless Business Podcast

34: Growing Your Business with Social Media with Lisa Lehmann

May 03, 2018

It's amazing to think that 20 years ago, someone graduating with a marketing degree had no experience with social media marketing— because that wasn't a thing yet. Social media as a concept was in its infancy.

Today, it's nearly unimaginable to consider a marketing campaign without a social element.

In between, there were pioneers— bloggers, vloggers and business owners who embraced social platforms as early adopters and established close knit communities of loyal followers. No bots, no apps, no how-to guides, just growing their business and sphere of influence with lots of conversation and the strength of their own vibrant personalities.

This week on the Businessese Influencer Marketing Podcast, we are super excited to chat with one of those pioneers. Lisa Lehmann of Lisa Lehmann Designs has been designing and creating handcrafted jewelry for over 16 years, and blogging for 15 years. Her passion for creating spills over into creating her online presence and cultivating her online community, and it shows. Her followers love her jewelry, her storytelling, and her voice: testimony to the power of authenticity and a solid brand.
They need to connect with you in order to connect with whatever service or whatever widget you're going to sell. They need to make sure that you're the person they want to connect with and then the rest will follow.

-Lisa Lehmann
Listen in as Lisa discusses:

* how her social media strategy has changed over the years
* cultivating community on social media and keeping up with conversations amidst the noise
* the importance of being authentic
* what she considers to be the "biggest trick" to social media
* using storytelling and consistency to strengthen the voice of your brand
* social media advice for those now starting online businesses

How are you using social media to communicate your brand story? Let's hear it over at our private Facebook group for digital entrepreneurs and small business owners, Businessese HQ.

Lisa Lehmann Designs
Lisa on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
"The Jamie"
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