Fearless Business Podcast

Fearless Business Podcast

24: Tech and SEO Made Simple with Katy Widrick

February 22, 2018

Getting started with a website can be intimidating. We're not even talking about building your business and the marketing, financial, and legal considerations that go along with it— we're talking about the actual creating and maintaining of your site. Suddenly, you're faced with a whole new set of terms and skills to learn: the most reliable plugins to install, the best ways to optimize for site speed and user experience, and how to use search engine optimization (SEO) so that potential readers can find your site in the first place.

Even if you've been in the game a long time, the backend of your site and dealing with SEO can be a challenge. As we've said so many times before, the digital landscape continues to evolve and change at a rapid rate, which means an influencer that started blogging in 2005 has over a decade's worth of material that might be out of date or under-optimized for today's algorithms. You may want to update, but are afraid of doing something to break your site (most long-term bloggers have experienced this at least once, and don't relish the idea of doing it again).
I don't ever want someone to not follow through with something they're passionate about because they're scared of tech.

-Katy Widrick
Katy Widrick is one of our go-to people when things break. A self made, self taught influencer, Katy has a background in broadcast journalism and policy studies and was working in television news when she started a behind the scenes blog for the station. She's now a personal trainer and group fitness instructor as well as the owner of Make Media Over, a consulting and managed services company for bloggers.

In this episode of the Businessese Influencer Marketing Podcast, Katy helps break down some of the tech side of maintaining a website. She also offers up tips for SEO made simple, so that influencers can stop worrying about those details and focus on what they'd rather be doing: creating amazing content.
It's all about telling a story. It's all about communicating something with your audience, whatever audience that is, and trying to find a way to make it your business but still your passion.
Give us a listen and you'll learn:

* more about how Katy went "from hobby to jobby"
* the things that every influencer should be familiar with when it comes to the backend of their site
* the importance of backing up your site and knowing how to use your backup
* the tools that Katy feels are underutilized by bloggers
* what influencers don't need to stress about SEO— and the one thing they need to do to win the SEO game
* how to get started with an SEO self-audit and Google Search Console

What has you stumped about tech or SEO? Share away in our private Facebook group, Businessese HQ. Let's help each other!

Katy's website: Make Media Over
Her interactive checklist for SEO and website self-audits
Katy's ebooks, Make Your Old Content New Again and Take Your Blog to the Next Level
You Are a Badass at Making Money and the novels of Nora Roberts