Inbound Pro Podcast: Blog Tips | Blogging | Online Business

Inbound Pro Podcast: Blog Tips | Blogging | Online Business

Latest Episodes

48: This is Business: Everything Doesn’t Have to Be Free
August 21, 2015

This is business - don't give everything away for free. You won't make any money that way. In this episode I talk about what role content plays in your business and how to monetize the smart way. We get into courses, and ebook and much more. If you feel y

47: How to Write Great Headlines That Grow Your Audience
August 20, 2015

Headlines are very important to growing your audience. This is the very first thing people see before reading your article, watching a video or listening to a podcast. The fact that you're reading this right now means I did something right with the headli

46: Quick Productivity Tips To Make The Rest of 2015 Awesome
August 19, 2015

What can you do (or change) to make this year... or the rest of the year, the most productive it can be? Take more action? Well, that's a start. Today's episode will give you a few quick tips - 11 actually - to make this year much more productive than bef

45: Even More Habits of Highly Successful Content Creators
August 18, 2015

Last time we covered 7 success habits of highly successful bloggers, podcasters and content creators. Today we're covering 7 more - because it takes much more than 7 habits to be successful. Don't you think? Well, have a listen and let me know what you th

44: How to Create Content Worth Sharing
August 17, 2015

You want people to read your content, listen to your podcast and watch your videos - but you also need them to share it. That's how you content spreads. That's how it reaches hundreds and thousands of other people - and that's how you audience continues t

43: Even More Psychological Triggers That Get People To Act
August 14, 2015

This is a follow up episode from yesterday - let's call it part 2. In this one you'll get even more product launch triggers that you can use to excite people about your brand new course, ebook, membership site or service. [smart_track_player url="http://i

42: Psychological Triggers That Get People Excited About Your Product
August 13, 2015

Product launches are powerful. They can lead to an influx of customers, clients and cash for your business - but only when they're done right. Today's episode will look into some of the psychological triggers that can get people excited about your product

41: Psychology of Selling – What Your Customers Wish You Knew
August 12, 2015

Selling courses, ebooks and information products online isn't easy. There's a lot that goes into it. Creating your offer, pricing the thing, setting up payment processors, follow up sequences, launch strategies and so much more. [smart_track_player url="h

40: 6 Bad Habits That Lead to Failure
August 11, 2015

Failure is real. I've failed a bunch of times. I've tried plenty of things that went absolutely no where and in the process I've learned a few things that I can now share with you. These 6 bad habits will lead to failure in most cases. [smart_track_player

39: How to Make Your Great Ideas Happen
August 10, 2015

If you're anything like me, you have a ton of great ideas in your head, you just haven't seen them become real. Today's episode follows up on a previous one about why our great ideas don't happen. We're going to be diving deep into HOW to make them happen
